
赛吧 für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.5.36
  • 4.5

  • Sicherheitsstatus


赛吧 - Eine spezialisierte Video-App für Wettbewerbe

赛吧 is a video app that focuses on competitions, aiming to make them more pure, professional, and entertaining. It provides a platform for talented individuals to showcase their skills and dreams, allowing them to realize their full potential.

With 赛吧, connecting talented individuals, event organizers, judges, audiences, and businesses becomes effective, simple, and direct. The app's main goal is to enable talented individuals to participate in competitions "fairly, anytime, and anywhere." For event organizers, it helps solve the challenges of high costs, limited channels, and low profits. Audiences can enjoy a sense of participation, fun, and achievement while watching competitions. Additionally, 赛吧 allows businesses to expand their channels, customers, and traffic effectively.

This specialized video app for competitions offers a unique and convenient way for talented individuals to showcase their skills and for event organizers to host successful competitions. It also provides an enjoyable experience for audiences and opportunities for businesses to grow. 赛吧 is available for free on the iPhone platform.

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赛吧 für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.5.36
  • 4.5

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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